RA Cheat Sheet
We recognize that being an RA in the Corps is a big commitment, so we wanted to make y'all's lives a little easier by providing a little cheat sheet reference guide with important links and information, specifically for RA's.
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Refer to our no-nonsense quick link list below
Click on "Cadet Conduct" to be redirected to the Cadet Conduct login page.
Click on "Maxient" to be redirected to the UNG Maxient forms list.
UNG uses sexual misconduct as a broad term encompassing Title IX Sexual Harassment and other sexual misconduct that does not fall under the Title IX Sexual Harassment regulations. The behaviors that are prohibited by the Sexual Misconduct Policy are sexual harassment, nonconsensual sexual contact, nonconsensual sexual penetration, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation.
In 1990, Congress approved the "Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act" which was later renamed the "Clery Act" in Jeanne Clery’s memory whose tragic passing in 1986 spurred the act's ratification.